“Choose Life Banner” Parish Outreach Project
The “Choose Life” banner project is a successful outreach to Morris County churches because many pastors/administrators accepted banner placements on church property with conspicuous view to both parishioners and street traffic. What better way than a banner to remind everyone of the bible verse from Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.” Subtle reminders are highly recommended and are often all that a parish needs to be a strong pro-life parish. Teens will be reminded never to consider an abortion, and will be encouraged to reach out to someone in a crisis, unplanned pregnancy included. Contact us and a banner committee member will get back to you on details of obtaining and placing a banner. Email info@morriscountyrighttolife.org with the subject Banner. |
College Outreach Project
Most abortions are committed on college aged women. So we always make an effort to network with student led (or clergy led) campus Right To Life Leaders and Groups to supply tabloids geared to this age group.
Because students come and go every 2 to 4 years, keeping a constant presence at Drew University, Fairleigh Dickinson University, College of St. Elizabeth, and County College of Morris is a challenge. If you are called by God, or motivated by the truth of the Right To Life movement, please get involved on your campus. Morris County Right To Life is ready to provide the resources you may not otherwise afford.
Email: info@morriscountyrighttolife.org with the subject Outreach.

Will work with High School Right To Life groups too!